Left side of a Finnish Model 1923 Luger, 7.65 Parabellum, serial number 6618L. This
pistol is serial numbered in the military style (four digit serial number, with a
serial number suffix), but serial number placement is in the commercial style. Note
the Crown/N commercial proof, and the boxed "SA" Finnish Army property
marking. Also included in the photo is an unopened box of Finnish military 7,65 Parabellum
ammunition. Also note the original grip panels (chipped below the safety) and original,
but not matching, wooden bottom magazine. |
Right side of the same Finnish Model 1923 Luger. The SA property disk was removed
prior to sale as surplus. This is one of the relatively small number of such pistols
imported by Century Arms International in 1987. |
Close up of the underside of the barrel, showing the serial number, C/N proof, and
importer's mark. |
Top of barrel and barrel extension. The flattened area above the barrel's chamber
is due to the removal of a chamber date. |
Close up shot of the Finnish Army property mark and C/N proof. |
A shot of the bottom of the barrel and top of the frame under the barrel, showing
the serial number. |
A shot of the bottom of the takedown latch and side plate, showing the commercial
style serial number placement. This shot also shows the take down latch is a mismatch. |
A scan of the original Century Arms International advertisement for this pistol. |
Photos Courtesy of Kyrie Ellis |